Disk Commands
List directories by size
du -sh * | sort -hr
or ?
du -h --max-depth=1
To show largest directories?:
du -ah ./ | sort -n -r | head -n 10
Another option is gdu. gdu is interactive. Use gdu -h to list startup params. gdu -d to shall mounted partitions.
Also, godu. godu -l 100 ./ will scan the given directory and only consider files larger than 100 MB.
duf gives a great overview of mounted filesystems. duf --sort size will sort by size.
Check SmartDisk Status
smartctl --info /dev/sda
smartctl -A /dev/sda
smartctl --health /dev/sda (this info only useful after tests have been run)
smartctl --test=short /dev/sda
smartctl --test=long /dev/sda
smartctl --log=selftest /dev/sda
Check Disk LifeTime
List disk drives, temperature (in Celsius), health %, power on hours, disk model, disk serial, size:
hdsentinel -solid. Sample results:
/dev/sda 42 3 4830 WDC_WD800JD-8LSA0 WD-WMAM9F937837 76324
/dev/sdb 30 100 6128 ST3250624A 5ND3J94R 238472
/dev/sdc 46 100 10982 WDC_WD2500JS-00MHB0 WD-WCANK8705209 238475
/dev/sdd ? ? ? GENERIC_CF_READER 9999 0
/dev/sde ? ? ? GENERIC_SD_READER 9999 1963
List only temperature, drive, size:
hdsentinel -solid | awk '{print $2, $1, $7}'
42 /dev/sda 76324
30 /dev/sdb 238472
46 /dev/sdc 238475
? /dev/sdd 0
? /dev/sde 1963
List only temperature, drive, model ID, highest temperature on top, drives without temperature information (for example card readers) removed:
hdsentinel -solid | awk '{print $2, $1, $5}' | grep -v "^?" | sort -nr
46 /dev/sdc WDC_WD2500JS-00MHB0
42 /dev/sda WDC_WD800JD-8LSA0
30 /dev/sdb ST3250624A
List only health, temperature, drive, lowest health on top, drives without temperature information (for example card readers) removed:
hdsentinel -solid | awk '{print $3, $2, $1}' | grep -v "^?" | sort -n
3 42 /dev/sda
100 30 /dev/sdb
100 46 /dev/sdc
Note that the spaces in hard disk model ID and serial number are replaced with underscore (_).