Postfix Notes
>>To purge an item from the mailq
find the item in the mailq and type: postsuper -d queueid
>>To delete everthing in the queue
go to /var/spool/postfix
most queued mail will be in directories like /flush, /active, etc.
so if they were in /var/spool/postfix/flush/ you could issue the command:
find /var/spool/postfix/flush -type f | xargs rm
>>If there is a mail item having problems, go to /var/spool/postfix.
Type: find . -type f
to see the deferred directory location cd to the location, postcat the file
>>To search for a particular message
grep -nri "clueword" * .
(e.g., grep -nri "^Subject:.*Brim.*" .)
(The ^ means beginning of line, and the .* means to match any string of xxxx characters)
>>Adding user to sasl
saslpasswd -c -u "" accountname
Updating a users password in sasl
saslpasswd -u "" accountname
Delete user in sasl
saslpasswd -d -u "" accountname
Query sasldb
If I have to change the sasl database, make sure the permissions are: root.postfix and 640
After changing sasldb in /etc/ copy it to /var/spool/postfix/etc/ (cp -a to preserve permissions)
[it might be a good idea to create a soft link from /var/spool/postfix/etc/sasldb to /etc/sasldb
>>Change LDAP domain name
Open LDAP Explorer.
For Bind DN As.... Enter "cn=root,dc=domain,dc=com"
Bind password: see password file.
Create new POP3 and IMAP certificates
go to: /usr/lib/courier-imap/share/
remove the expired certs: imapd.pem and pop3d.pem
then issue the commands:
• create a *.cer file from a *.pem file: openssl x509 -in my-cert.pem -inform PEM -out my-cert.cer -outform DEN
• create a *.pem file from a *.cer file: openssl x509 -in my-cert.cer -inform DEN -out my-cert.pem -outform PEM
Sophos SMTP
To change email scanning parameters:
To stop and start email scanning:
mmsmtpd -terminate
mmsmtpd -start